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Interprofessional Gerontology, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

  1. Graduates will be able to utilize gerontological frameworks to examine human development and aging.
  2. Graduates will be able to relate psychological theories and science to understanding adaptation, stability and change in aging.
  3. Graduates will be able to identify comprehensive and meaningful concepts, definitions and measures for well-being of older adults and their families.
  4. Graduates will be able to engage, through effective communication with older persons, their families and the community, in personal and public issues in aging.
  5. Graduates will be able to employ knowledge of older persons’ strengths and adaptations to maximize well-being, health and mental health

Students must take courses from two or more departments for completion of the certificate.

Foundational (AGHE) Course 3
Select one of the following:
SWRK 5745
Health & Mental Health Interventions with Older Adults
NURS 5750
Care of Older Adults an Interdisciplinary Approach
Interactional Course3
Select one of the following:
NURS 5750
Care of Older Adults an Interdisciplinary Approach
LAW 8005
Bioethics and the Law
LAW 8040
Elder Law
SWRK 5714
Interprofessional Perspectives in Geriatric Care
SWRK 5786
Death, Dying, & Grief: Professional Practice & Self-Awareness
Contextual Course3
Select one of the following:
HMP 5000
Health Care Organization
HMP 5300
Management of Health Care Organizations
LAW 8005
Bioethics and the Law
LAW 8035
Disability Law
SWRK 5745
Health & Mental Health Interventions with Older Adults
SWRK 5786
Death, Dying, & Grief: Professional Practice & Self-Awareness
Elective Course3
Select one additional course from any category above.
Discipline specific field practicum focusing on working with older adults
SWRK 5832
Community & Organization Practicum I
or SWRK 5833
Community & Organization Practicum II
or SWRK 5841
Master of Social Work Foundation Practicum
or SWRK 5842
Clinical Practicum I
or SWRK 5843
Clinical Practicum II
Total Credits15

Non-Course Requirements

  • The Geriatric Education Center Summer Institute, a two-day opportunity to attend in-depth workshops, learn about the current practice of geriatric care in the community setting and attend plenary presentations about current research in assessment and intervention strategies.
  • Students will compile a portfolio consisting of one gerontology-focused assignment from each course taken towards completion of the certificate. These portfolios will be assessed by the acting advisor and the certificate coordinator (if the coordinator is also the advisor, a second reviewer will be chosen), using a standard rubric developed and reviewed by participating faculty across departments. This will be utilized to assess student learning outcomes within each competency area and whether the provided coursework achieved them. 

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Foundational Course 1, 2 3
Interactional Course 1, 2 3
Contextual Course 1, 2 3
Discipline-Specific Practicum 1, 2 3
Participation in SLU GEC Summer Institute  
Elective 1, 2 3
 Total Credits15

Courses can be taken in any order


See information in Program Notes.

Program Notes

Approved Foundational Courses

SWRK 5745Health & Mental Health Interventions with Older Adults3
NURS 5750Care of Older Adults an Interdisciplinary Approach2-3
HCE 4240Ethics and Geriatric Care3

Approved Interactional Courses

HCE 4240Ethics and Geriatric Care3
NURS 5750Care of Older Adults an Interdisciplinary Approach (Spring)2-3
LAW 8005Bioethics and the Law (Spring)2-3
SWRK 5786Death, Dying, & Grief: Professional Practice & Self-Awareness (Spring)3

Approved Contextual Courses

HMP 5000Health Care Organization (Fall)3
HMP 5300Management of Health Care Organizations (Fall)3
LAW 8005Bioethics and the Law (Spring)2-3
LAW 8035Disability Law (Fall)3
SWRK 5745Health & Mental Health Interventions with Older Adults (Fall)3
SWRK 5786Death, Dying, & Grief: Professional Practice & Self-Awareness (Spring)3

Approved Elective Courses

All courses listed above in Foundational, Interactional and Contextual courses can be approved elective courses. Also, per existing inter-university agreements with University of Missouri-Saint Louis and Washington University, students may seek to take a gerontology-related class that will transfer in. Visit the UMSL and Washington University websites for current offerings.

Discipline-Specific Practicum Course

Students will work with the gerontology coordinator and a discipline-specific advisor to identify the appropriate discipline-specific practicum course (3 credits). This includes a research practicum as appropriate. For students actively working with gerontology populations in the community, this practicum may be waived per experiences, based upon approval of the gerontology certificate coordinator and certificate committee.

Apply for Admission

For admission questions, contact:

School of Social Work Graduate Admissions Office

For program questions contact:

Cara Wallace, Ph.D., LMSW, APHSW-C
Professor of nursing